Morning Media Summary
7 days in the cloud: My week with the Samsung Chromebook:
“When I first agreed to write about a week working with nothing but a Samsung Series 5 Chromebook, I knew I was asking for trouble. Although I already knew and liked its Chrome Web-browser-based Linux operating system, ChromeOS, I also know how I work.”
Global Warming / Environment / Energy:
Bill Clinton: Paint Your Roofs White:
“Look at the tar roofs covering millions of American buildings. They absorb huge amounts of heat when it’s hot. And they require more air conditioning to cool the rooms. Mayor Bloomberg started a program to hire and train young people to paint New York’s roofs white. A big percentage of the kids have been able to parlay this simple work into higher-skilled training programs or energy-related retrofit jobs. (And, believe it or not, painting the roof white can lower the electricity use by 20 percent on a hot day!)”
Insurance / Gambling:
Germany’s Draft Gambling Rules Need to Be Changed, EU Says:
“Germany’s draft gambling rules can’t be adopted as planned because they violate European Union law, EU regulators said.”
Health / Safety:
Fixing health law glitch to save $13b:
“Fixing a glitch in President Obama’s health care law would save taxpayers $13 billion without adding to the number of uninsured people, congressional budget referees say.”
Obama officially threatens to veto Republicans’ ‘cut, cap balance’ bill:
“The White House on Monday warned President Obama will veto GOP legislation to “cut, cap and balance” spending and the budget.”
RNC Says Obama Fundraising Video ‘Apparent Crime,’ Seeks DOJ Probe:
““If President Obama recorded the video in the Map Room, then it appears he has committed a crime under federal law,” RNC chairman Reince Priebus wrote in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder. ”
Hearing officer recommends Kaiser union vote be overturned:
“A second election may be scheduled for 43,500 Kaiser Permanente workers who have been swept up in a bitter rivalry between two unions.”
Transportation/ Land Use:
Air Tickets Regain Altitude as High Speed Rail Line Runs Late:
“While a series of glitches in China’s trophy high-speed rail route linking Beijing and Shanghai have been a headache for the country’s rail authorities, they’ve managed to make at least one group smile.”