Morning Media Summary
Court Ruling Opens The Door To Rejecting Many Software Patents As Being Mere “Mental Processes”:
“Well, this is getting interesting. Last year, when the Supreme Court ruled very narrowly in the Bilski case, without making any explicit statement (as precedent) on overall software or business model patents, many people were frustrated. Here was a situation where the Supreme Court could have drawn a much clearer map, but it declined to do so. Of course, we wondered if this would just mean that another case would have to make its way to the Supreme Court to get a clearer ruling on software patents. In effect, with Bilski, the Supreme Court basically said “this one test you use is fine, but it’s not the only test.” It didn’t say what those other tests should be, but basically left it up to the courts to decide. However, it did reject the specific Bilski patent for being an “abstract” idea, saying that this was not patentable under Section 101 of the Patent Act.”
IBM unveils chips that mimic the human brain:
“It terms the machines built with these chips “cognitive computers”, claiming that they are able to learn through experience, find patterns, generate ideas and understand the outcomes.”
Global Warming / Environment / Energy:
Bad news from NASA: If we don’t reduce carbon emissions, the aliens might come and kill us:
“This is really just the story of Sodom and Gomorrah repackaged with a scientific patina for the green agenda, no? An omnipotent super-being looks down upon mankind, is angry at what it sees, and resolves to smite the sinners. Can the angels at NASA find 50 righteous world leaders willing to strike a deal at Copenhagen II before it’s too late?”
Insurance / Gambling:
Tribes, officials discuss changes to gambling laws:
“The meeting, which will continue through Friday, is part of the commission’s regulatory review process to solicit input from tribes on drafts of proposed rule changes.”
Health / Safety:
School District Offering Drug Testing Kits To Parents:
“The test kids will be available to parents of middle school students in the Hempfield School District.”
US Jobless Claims Up, Gasoline Lifts Consumer Prices:
“The number of Americans claiming new jobless benefits rose last week and consumer prices increased at the fastest pace in four months in July, highlighting the challenges facing the Federal Reserve.”
Coverup: ATF Whistleblower: Gunwalker Officials Being Sheilded:
“Former Agent Vince Cefalu tells PJM: Those men weren’t being promoted this week, they were being protected via transfers to other positions within the department.”
Kaiser workers at stake in union battle:
“The ongoing contentious battle between two unions in one of the largest private-sector elections in U.S. history – representation of workers at Kaiser Permanente – is heating up again.”
Transportation/ Land Use:
Costs seen rising for high-speed rail line:
“Gov. John Kasich’s decision to decline federal funds for developing high-speed rail seemed like a prudent move at the time, and now looks even better.”