Morning Media Summary
Gawker Media Hacked, Warns Users to Change Passwords:
“E-mail addresses and password details for 200,000 registered users of Gawker Media websites are now circulating on peer-to-peer networks after a weekend hack attack. The company warned users to change their passwords — including on other sites, if they use the same passwords elsewhere.”
Global Warming / Environment / Energy:
Ukraine to open Chernobyl area to tourists in 2011:
“Want a better understanding of the world’s worst nuclear disaster? Come tour the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Beginning next year, Ukraine plans to open up the sealed zone around the Chernobyl reactor to visitors who wish to learn more about the tragedy that occurred nearly a quarter of a century ago, the Emergency Situations Ministry said Monday.”
Wik-Bee Leaks: EPA Document Shows It Knowingly Allowed Pesticide That Kills Honey Bees:
“The world honey bee population has plunged in recent years, worrying beekeepers and farmers who know how critical bee pollination is for many crops. A number of theories have popped up as to why the North American honey bee population has declined–electromagnetic radiation, malnutrition, and climate change have all been pinpointed. Now a leaked EPA document reveals that the agency allowed the widespread use of a bee-toxic pesticide, despite warnings from EPA scientists.”
Insurance / Gambling:
Casino group backs Reid bill on Net poker:
“The commercial casino industry’s top trade group said it supports efforts by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to fully legalize Internet poker.”
Health / Safety:
Michelle Obama has new warning on obesity:
“First lady Michelle Obama plans to warn in remarks Monday that the nation is seeing “a groundswell of support” for curbing childhood obesity, and she is unveiling new ammunition from current and retired military leaders.”
McDonald’s chief attacks children’s meal ‘food police’:
Romney announces opposition to tax deal, in major blow to GOP’s united front:
“Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on Tuesday came out against the tax deal reached between President Obama and congressional Republicans, saying the temporary nature of the tax rate extension would limit the positive economic impact and correspondingly make the deficit worse.”
Moody’s May Cut US Rating on Tax Package:
“Moody’s warned Monday that it could move a step closer to cutting the U.S. Aaa rating if President Obama’s tax and unemployment benefit package becomes law.”
U.S. Health-Care Law’s Insurance Requirement Struck Down in Virginia Suit:
“The Obama administration’s health- care overhaul unconstitutionally requires Americans to maintain a minimum level of health insurance, a federal judge ruled, striking down the linchpin of the plan.”
Long legal fight ahead for health law:
“The scorecard on the legal fight over President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul is two judges in favor and one against.”
States spending just 2% of tobacco settlement funds on smoking prevention:
“Despite receiving billions through a 1998 tobacco settlement, states are slashing budgets for tobacco prevention programs, dropping funding to its lowest level in more than a decade, a new study shows.”
SEIU, American Crossroads look back at 2010 spending:
“The Service Employees International Union made a mistake in targeting Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) during her Democratic primary in September, but won’t rule out backing 2012 primary challengers to White House-backed lawmakers, according to an official at the powerful union.”
Transportation/ Land Use:
Eminent domain, tax break proposed in 2012 for Missouri:
“Missouri groups that want to limit the use of eminent domain and expand tax breaks for charitable donations have been cleared to try to get their proposals on a statewide ballot.”
Over a Dozen States Get Wisconsin and Ohio’s High-Speed Rail Money:
“As everyone is probably aware by now, the incoming governors of Ohio and Wisconsin, John Kasich and Scott Walker (respectively), have stated loudly and clearly that they don’t want high-speed rail (HSR) projects in their states. Even though these projects would create thousands of jobs, would help to modernize these states’ transportation systems, and federal funds would cover the majority of the capital expenses, Kasich and Walker have said that they don’t want the federal funds awarded to them for their major HSR projects.”