Morning Media Summary
FTC Warns About Public Wi-Fi Hotspot Dangers:
“The website, operated by the Federal Trade Commission, Justice Department, Homeland Security, Commerce Department and other federal agencies, is warning people to be careful when using public Wi-Fi hotspots. The agency says users on public Wi-Fi hotspots should “only log in to sites that are fully encrypted.” Encrypted sites have an https at the beginning of their address and typically have a lock in the lower right corner of the browser.”
Anonymous Claims Possession Of Insidious Stuxnet Virus:
“Houston, we have a problem. Or should I say, “Iran, we have your problem?” Last night, a member of hacker group Anonymous – a devious 4chan-spawned Internet coalition known for increasingly serious web-based attacks – announced on Twitter that the group was in possession of the Stuxnet virus.”
Global Warming / Environment / Energy:
Get Ready… Junk Scientist Al Gore Predicted North Pole Will Be Completely Ice Free By Next Year:
“If you thought that this was an unusually harsh winter just hang in there… By next year the North Pole will be completely ice free.”
Insurance / Gambling:
Sports betting laws outdated, Windsor MP Comartin says:
“The push is on by Joe Comartin to legalize the betting on individual sports game in Canadian casinos.”
Health / Safety:
Why infertility will stop humans colonizing space:
“Renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking once remarked that humankind would need to colonise space within the next century if it was to survive as a species.”
White House Expects Deficit to Spike to $1.65 Trillion:
“The White House projected Monday that the federal deficit would spike to $1.65 trillion in the current fiscal year, the largest dollar amount ever, adding pressure on Democrats and Republicans to tackle growing levels of debt.”
Japan Economy Shrinks Less-Than-Estimated 1.1%, Surpassed by China in 2010:
“Japan’s gross domestic product fell less than estimated in the fourth quarter in a pullback that may prove temporary as overseas demand revives production after the nation fell behind China as the world’s second-largest economy.”
Clothing Prices to Rise 10% Starting in Spring:
“The era of falling clothing prices is ending. Clothing prices have dropped for a decade as tame inflation and cheap overseas labor helped hold down costs.”
France wants new global finance system:
“France, as current head of the Group of 20 countries, will help the transition to a global financial system based on ‘several international currencies’, French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde said today.”
AP Source: Obama to seek changes in Pell Grants:
“President Barack Obama’s budget plan would cut $100 billion from Pell Grants and other higher education programs over a decade through belt-tightening and use the savings to keep the maximum college financial aid award at $5,550, an administration official said.”
The Hill Poll: Voters troubled over future of Social Security:
“A sizable majority of likely voters is worried about Social Security’s future but much more divided over whether the retirement age for the program should be raised, according to a new poll conducted for The Hill.”
Shed owners warned wire on windows could hurt burglars:
“A spate of thefts in several towns and villages in Kent and Surrey over the past few months led to many householders taking action to protect their property. “
SEIU still plans to act on imposed contracts:
“The Service Employees International Union still is fighting contracts imposed on two of its units by McHenry County government, despite the contracts expiring later this year.”
Transportation/ Land Use:
High-speed rail is a fast track to government waste:
“Vice President Biden, an avowed friend of good government, is giving it a bad name. With great fanfare, he went to Philadelphia last week to announce that the Obama administration proposes spending $53 billion over six years to construct a “national high-speed rail system.” Translation: The administration would pay states $53 billion to build rail networks that would then lose money – lots – thereby aggravating the budget squeezes of the states or federal government, depending on which covered the deficits.”