Morning Media Summary
Google launches Apps certification program for IT pros:
“Google has launched a program to certify that staffers at Google Apps resellers have specific expertise, knowledge and experience working with the company’s hosted collaboration and communication suite.”
24-bit audio: the new way to make you pay more for music?:
“Apple and music labels are reportedly in discussions to raise the audio quality of of the songs they sell.”
Google Penalizes Overstock for Search Tactics:
“Google Inc. is penalizing Inc. in its search results after the retailer ran afoul of Google policies that prohibit companies from artificially boosting their ranking in the Internet giant’s search engine.”
Global Warming / Environment / Energy:
NASA’s Glory Climate Mission Hits a Snag:
“The story below was released yesterday, but the mission has already been postponed once, and, twice.”
Insurance / Gambling:
New Jersey Looks to Go All-In With Online Gambling:
“More than $25 billion dollars are wagered online at offshore gambling web sites each year — with $6 billion coming from United States players, even though there is a federal law against it.”
Health / Safety:
State Proposal Would Limit Annual Medicaid Rise:
“The State Health Department on Thursday will propose a cap on yearly increases in Medicaid financing that will require across-the-board spending cuts by health care providers.”
CBO raises its stimulus cost estimate, again:
“Congress‘ chief scorekeeper has again raised the cost estimate of President Obama‘s two-year-old economic-stimulus program, calculating it will end up costing taxpayers $821 billion — or $34 billion more than originally projected.”
House bill passes without tobacco settlement funds for UND med school:
“The North Dakota House approved an amended bill on Wednesday that no longer uses tobacco settlement money to expand the University of North Dakota’s medical school. “
Julian Assange to be extradited to Sweden:
“WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is to be extradited to Sweden to face allegations of rape and sexual assault. Assange will appeal, his legal team confirmed. If this is unsuccessful, he will be extradited to Sweden in 10 days.”
Wisconsin Assembly Reaches Deal To End Debate, Vote On Anti-Union Bill:
“Wisconsin Democrats in the state Assembly agreed to a deal in the pre-dawn hours Thursday to limit debate and reach a vote, perhaps by midday, on a bill taking away public workers’ collective bargaining rights. Republican leadership in the Senate meanwhile dispatched police officers to the homes of some of the 14 Democratic lawmakers who have been on the run for a week to avoid voting on the proposal, to compel them to return.”
Shocker: Public Employee Union Uses Tax Payer Resources to Organize a Political Rally:
Video: CWA union thug strikes young female FreedomWorks activist; Updated:
“They said it: “Get a little bloody.” It’s the union way.”
Transportation/ Land Use:
High-Speed Rail Battle Plans in Full Swing:
“Efforts to reform or even abolish California’s controversial $43 billion proposed high-speed rail project were met this week with a promotional campaign organized by a top state government rail executive to impress a key federal official.”