Obamacare: Anyone Have a Plan B?
In just a few week the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments regarding the legal challenges to the administration’s controversial health-care overhaul, especially the constitutionality of the so-called “individual mandate” that requires every American to purchase government-approved insurance.
The Court’s finding on the matter will be the most consequential ruling in that august institutions long history, excepting only perhaps the infamous 1857 Dred Scott decision. If the Supreme Court upholds the law, there will officially be no limits to the federal government’s scope, no ceiling on its powers, no real liberty in America, economic or otherwise.
(It is hard to believe it has come to this, that a people who once set a continent in flames over a trifling tax have been reduced to hoping a court will save them from enslaving legislation passed by the very officials they have elected. Yet here we are.)
And if the Court does not save us? Some cling to the hope that new politicians, put into power in some future elections, will undo what Barack Obama has done. Perhaps. Anything is possible.
But let me put this question to you: What if the Court upholds this legislative abomination, and politicians hostile to the law fail to win sufficient control of the government? Does anyone have a plan B?
If Obamcare stands, will the people let it stand?
It is entirely possible that the Court will strike it down. But the Court’s long-held propensity to feed the government’s ever-ravenous appetite makes it foolish to count on this contingency. It is also possible that enough anti-Obamacare politicians will sweep into power at some future date, control both Houses of Congress with veto-proof majorities and/or capture the Executive Branch, and subsequently repeal the monstrosity.
That is a lot to hope for.
I have some ideas on how to proceed should the courts and politicians fail us, which I will be sharing with my readers here and in other publications in the coming weeks and months. In the meantime I encourage everyone to consider the possibility that Obamacare will survive its legal and political challenges, to think and talk seriously about what that would mean for the people and country they love, and to ask themselves the all-important but seldom asked question:
What then?