Gwyneth Paltrow Hates Capitalism
The Science of ‘Deathenol’
The Internet Skeptic (“Critical Analysis of Today’s Headlines”) emails today about some of his recent YouTube videos. One that caught my eye was…
A Graphic Display of Government Power
Word from /. has it that the Justice Department’s Antitrust division just found a couple more potential tech victims: graphics chipmakers Nvidia and AMD…
95% of Americans in Favor of Increasing Other People’s Charitable Giving
For Best Results, Drink Like a Sardinian
There’s more scientific evidence that moderate consumption of red wine is good for you: New research from the William Harvey Research Institute and…
Breast-Related Assurances from the First Lady of Illinois
Some Illinois political observers are raising their eyebrows about a stack of greeting cards that Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s office sent out before the…