UN Climate Negotiators Make Slow Progress in Bonn
Another week of UN climate negotiations ended in Bonn, Germany, on 4th September with expressions of mild optimism that progress was being made from negotiators…
President Obama Uses Alaska as a Backdrop for Climate Agenda
President Barack Obama followed up his disgraceful speech in Las Vegas last week with an insulting tour of Alaska, which included another disgraceful speech,…
Cooler Heads Coalition News
EPA Reportedly Will Issue Final Rules on Power Plant Greenhouse Gas Emissions This Week
Mainstream media outlets reported this week that the Environmental Protection Agency will release its final rules for limiting greenhouse gas emissions from new and existing…
Joel Kotkin’s Analysis of Pope Francis’s Encyclical
Joel Kotkin has written an outstanding analysis posted on the Daily Beast of Pope Francis’s encyclical, Laudato Si’. I would quibble with certain details. For example, I think Francis…
Vatican Downplays Political Involvement in Climate Debate While Joining Forces with Radical Leftist Naomi Klein
Kathryn Jean Lopez reports on NRO’s The Corner that Cardinal Peter Turkson downplayed the political intentions of Pope Francis’s encyclical, Laudato Si’, when he spoke to…