Personal account of eco-terrorism victim
This excerpt from an upcoming book called the Animal Research War by P. Michael Conn and James V. Parker. Both are affiliated with National Primate Research Center. The Northwest has been a hotbed of eco-terrorism, and this first hand account is a descriptive tale of being stalked by threatening strangers wherever you go. I call that terrorism.
“Excuse me,” I said, cutting to the front of the line of passengers at the airport departure gate counter. “I have an emergency and need you to call the police right now!” Two airline agents stopped checking seating charts and looked at me. “I am a medical researcher and some people are protesting my visit to Tampa. They’re not passengers,” I explained. (This was in 2001, shortly before 9/11, when security measures allowed nonpassengers into boarding areas.)
One desk agent examined my boarding pass, and then looked at my pursuers. I knew what she saw: five people with T-shirts that read: “KEEP PRIMATE TESTER Dr. P.M. CONN OUT OF U.S.F.” She let me through. Ten minutes later, when the pilot boarded and asked if I was okay, and I heard the outer doors close, my blood pressure and heart rate slowly began to sink into normal ranges.
Yes, activists were waiting for him at the other end of that flight as well. Got to the Scientists to read the rest of the excerpt. Can’t wait to get my hands on this book!