Prof. Rajshree Agarwal on the Rubin Report: The True Value of Free Enterprise
I’ve been very interested over the last several years to see Dave Rubin’s metamorphosis from stand-up comedian to podcast co-host to serious public affairs interviewer and host of The Rubin Report. He’s had a long list of outspoken guests, from conservative commentator Ben Shapiro to British actor Stephen Fry to controversial psychology professor Jordan Peterson. This week, however, he’s released a pair of conversations with one of my favorite academics, Prof. Rajshree Agarwal of the University of Maryland.
Agarwal teaches at Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, where she is also the director of the Ed Snider Center for Enterprise and Markets, and she’s a passionate advocate of entrepreneurship and the infinite possibilities of the human mind. She’s written some excellent popular pieces for the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post about the world of business and philanthropy, including op-eds on Mark Zuckerberg’s future plans for his Facebook fortune and how people in corporate America are unfairly stereotyped as villains in contemporary pop culture. The serious journal publications on her c.v. are also pretty impressive.
In 2016 CEI has honored to co-host an event with Agarwal and the Snider Center team called The New Intellectual Forum, which brought together business leaders, nonprofit advocates, and academics to talk about the future of free markets and capitalism. The Snider Center has also hosted an excellent run of events on their own, including an interview with the center’s now-deceased namesake and a lively debate between University of Minnesota Prof. Paul Vaaler and Ayn Rand Institute Executive Director Yaron Brook on income inequality in 2015.
The Rubin Report videos include some of her best insights on innovation, value creation, leadership, and the moral value of a free society. As they say, this is content you’ll want to like and share.