Re: Re: Re: Eco-Terrorist Honored for his Work in Guardian

Kim McCoy, the executive director of Paul Watson’s Sea Shepherd Ship-Sinking Club, mentioned in the post below, is a piece of work herself. She aided a 2004 effort by Watson to take over the Sierra Club, to take it in a more, er, anti-human direction. Watson enjoyed the support of an outfit calling itself SUSPS (couldn’t find what that stood for on their website), which describes itself as, “a network of Sierra Club activists who support a comprehensive approach to environmentalism within the Sierra Club.”

We support Sierra Club policies and principles with the exception of current Sierra Club U.S. population policy, which we believe is inadequate in addressing U.S. overpopulation. A comprehensive approach to environmentalism must include effective action for population stabilization in the United States. Currently Sierra Club policies call for stabilizing U.S. population but do not address the combined impacts of mass migration and birth rates on U.S. population growth. The SUSPS vision for environmentalism, however, does not stop at our nation’s borders. It also includes educating women worldwide to achieve lower birth rates, lowering consumption levels in industrialized and developing nations…

Some Sierra Club members who believe that the policies they advocate are actually good for people successfully opposed Watson’s efforts, but not before some long-overdue fissures emerged. Brian Carnell, a critic of McCoy, wrote on the site at the time:

Watson’s alliance with immigration foes has caused some consternation and criticism among liberal-leaning activists, so McCoy’s effort to say that there simply is no such alliance is understandable. But she might have clued in Paul Watson, since the Sea Shepherd site endorsed all three of the leading anti-immigration candidates for the Sierra Club board…

Naturally, to those of us who see radical environmentalism and nativist know-nothingism as two points on the Malthusian continuum, it is amusing to watch these people trip over their own self-contradictions. They truly deserve each other.