Tea’d Off in The Capitol 9/12/09

If you live in the general Washington, DC metro area you should be prepared for a fun-filled, traffic jamming time the weekend of September 11th. Thousands of citizens from all walks, incomes, and political backgrounds are slated to descend on the city for the so-called 9/12 March on Washington–the latest in the series of national tea party gatherings.

As I noted in my blog recounting my experience speaking at the Independence Day tea party the only way the tea party movement will affect public discourse is if attendees articulate principled and consistent positions. To that end, the Ayn Rand Center and the Competitive Enterprise Institute worked together over the summer months to put together a workshop on 9/11 for 300-500 people planning to attend the 9/12 protest in DC. Dubbed the “Intellectual Ammunition Workshop” CEI and ARC hope to draw in many of the intellectuals participating in the tea party movement and the most vocal grass-roots activists to discuss a positive message to bring to the protest.  By discussing the ideas beneath the tea party anger and stressing, not what politicians shouldn’t do but also what they should be doing, we hope that tea-party participants will communicate a powerful and effective message that members of congress can’t ignore.

Details about the workshop can be found here

Details about the 9/12 March on Washington can be found here