The #NeverNeeded Regulatory Reduction Commission

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Over at the Washington Examiner, I propose a Regulatory Reduction Commission to act as a permanent watchdog to prevent #NeverNeeded regulations from hindering the next pandemic response. It would work like this:

First, no amendments should be allowed to the committee’s package. The vote must be straight up-or-down. The commission’s purpose is to avoid vote-trading and back-scratching. …

Second, the committee would be relatively small to reduce bargaining costs and make consensus easier to reach. It would also be bipartisan, so neither party can stack the deck when it is in power.

Third, the committee’s design has to account for the sheer size of the problem. … So it would tackle, say, five of the Code of Federal Regulations’ 50 titles per year in a 10-year rotation.

Read the whole piece here.

More regulatory reform ideas that could strengthen future crisis responses are in CEI’s Ten Thousand Commandments annual report.