To world leaders: halt the spread of protectionism

It’s timely and needed — a new publication gives leading trade economists’ views on “What world leaders must do to halt the spread of protectionism.” In the publication by (run by The Centre for Economic Policy Research), all of the experts caution that in times of recession, countries often attempt to fend off competition by trade protectionism; to do so, however, would be a huge mistake and plunge the global economy further downward, particularly hurting developing countries.

Instead, these experts argue, deal strongly with domestic economic problems, while taking steps to further the multilateral trade talks in the World Trade Organization’s Doha Round.

It’s well worth a read — short chapters are by such trade notables as Jagdish Bhagwati and Arvid Panagariya, Gary Hufbauer and Jeffrey Schott, and the publication’s editors, Richard Baldwin and Simon Evenett.