Today’s Links: March 9, 2012


RYAN CALO: “Drones, Dogs, and the Future of Privacy
“Just in case you haven’t seen the memo: Drones are coming to a city near you. They are arriving on these shores by the hundreds after serving in war zones overseas, and plenty of new models are on order to meet a burgeoning domestic demand. Why now? Under a fresh mandate from Congress, the Federal Aviation Administration will begin to relax its restrictions around the domestic use of “unmanned aerial systems,” leading to greater use of drones by public agencies and, eventually, the private sector.”

MEGAN MCARDLE: “The Myth of the Free-Market American Health Care System
“[T]here are a lot of misconceptions about how America’s health-care system compares to those of the other developed countries, including France. Both liberals and conservatives believe that the American system is a “free-market” or “capitalistic” one, and that European systems providing universal coverage are “socialized.” In this article, I’ll explain where both of these conceptions go wrong.”

DON BOUDREAUX: “Open Letter to Rep. Sandra Levin
All newly created benefits for American consumers harm certain American producers.  Improved road surfaces, for example, ‘destroy’ some jobs that would otherwise be held by workers who repair automobiles and tires.  So unless you also advocate policies such as those that would prevent state and local governments from spending money to keep our roads from going to pot(holes), you have no business trying to prevent the Chinese government from bestowing similar benefits on Americans.”


HEALTH – LSD Should Be Considered For Alcoholism Treatment, Study Says
“Decades ago, researchers would examine LSD’s effects on various health conditions including pain, anxiety, and alcoholism. A new study suggests it might be time to revisit the mind-altering drug’s therapeutic uses. The study found lysergic acid diethylamide, also known as acid, could help serious alcoholics sober up.”

SPAIN – Spain’s Youth Employment Surges Above 50%
“The number of 16-24 year old Spaniards out of work rose to 51.4 per cent in December, more than double the European Union average, according to a report by Spain’s National Statistics Institute. The national unemployment rate hit 22.85 per cent, the highest rate in nearly 17 years and the current highest in the industrialised world.”

SEX ED – Utah State Senate Approves Bill Allowing Schools to Drop Sex Ed
“State senators in Utah have voted in support of a bill, now destined for gubernatorial approval, that will allow schools throughout the state to drop their sex education programs, if they so choose.”