Today’s Links: May 14, 2012


LAWRENCE HUNTER: “Imagining A Cruel World Where Everyone’s ‘Too Something’ To Fail
“Imagine a world where the rich and the poor are “too something” to fail—too big, too small, too important, too weak, too fixed, too impotent—whatever.  Conceive of a world where it is illegal to renovate, refurbish, raze or plow under the old and replace it with something new.  Envisage a world where it is against the law to reallocate capital and labor or put idle natural resources into productive use.  Picture a world where such a high value is placed on equality of outcome and reducing wealth disparities among individuals that forcible redistribution is elevated to an impoverishing moral imperative that takes precedence over increasing wealth for everyone.”

ANDREW COHEN: “Sheriff Joe Arpaio Allegedly Not Only Harassed Latinos But Ignored Crime
“Before the United States Supreme Court issues its ruling in Arizona v. United States, the justices should take a few minutes to read the Justice Department’s new civil rights complaint filed Thursday against Maricopa County and its notorious sheriff, Joe Arpaio. In fact, there ought to be a constitutional requirement that the justices do so before they finally tell us what they think about the core provisions of Arizona’s anti-immigrant statute, SB 1070. ”

LEON NEYFAKH: “In Search of the Money Gene
“What makes someone want to start a business? That was what the young economist Philipp Koellinger was trying to figure out in 2008. His survey data showed that entrepreneurs thought differently from other people—that they believed in themselves more, feared failure less, and tended to see opportunities where others saw threats.”


LABOR – Hefty Salaries, Perks for Union Leaders Raise Eyebrows
“First-class travel. Six-figure salaries for half the 132 officers and staffers. Plenty of plum jobs for family members. Life is good at the top of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers.”

PRIVACY – Verizon Defends Customer Privacy in Publisher’s Suit
“Verizon is fighting a move by a book publisher to obtain personal information on ten of its customers accused of illegally sharing electronic copies of books in the popular ‘Dummy’ self-help series.”

WORLD ECONOMY – World Stocks Drop as Worries Over Greece Intensify
“World stock markets dropped sharply Monday as worries intensified over the condition of the eurozone and whether Greece is edging towards exiting the single currency union.”