Today’s Links: May 2, 2012


ADAM COHEN: “Can Smokers Be Banned From Government Jobs?
“If you are a smoker, you may want to rethink that plan to get a job with the city of Fort Worth, Texas. There are already private employers, including many medical centers, with policies against hiring workers who smoke. But Fort Worth may be about to become the first American city to say categorically that it will not hire anyone who smokes — on or off the job.”

PETER OSNOS: “Confused by the E-Book Lawsuit? So Is Everyone Else
“In all that has been written about this case, nothing seems to have made a deeper impression than the image of the executives in a private room called “The Chef’s Wine Cellar” agreeing to challenge Amazon’s policy of deep discounts on e-books. Personally, I find the notion of an exclusive cabal among the bibulous publishers intent on joint action far-fetched, although experts say it probably would have been better to have a lawyer present to assure antitrust guidelines were being followed. All of the publishers, including the three that have settled — HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster, and Hachette — insist they have done nothing wrong.”

ALICIA MEADS: “EPA Moves Ahead on Implementing Ozone Air Quality Standards
“Manufacturers continue to be extremely concerned about the EPA’s implementation of the current air quality standards and new standards for particulate matter (i.e. PM2.5) which are scheduled to be proposed in the next few months. As our nation’s job creators try to get our economy back on track, stringent air quality regulations and standards continually work to derail their progress.”


CYBERBULLYING – Georgia Girl Sues Classmates For Bullying Her on Facebook
“As states consider or pass cyberbullying laws in reaction to high-profile cases around the country, attorneys and experts say many of the laws aren’t strong enough, and lawsuits such as this one are bound to become more commonplace.”

ALCOHOL – Connecticut to Become 49th State to Sell Alcohol on Sunday
“Connecticut took a major step toward becoming the 49th state to allow Sunday alcohol sales when the Senate voted on Tuesday to allow liquor stores to sell beer, wine and spirits any day of the week.”

PRIVACY – As Job-Seekers are Judged by Their Tweets and Facebook Posts, Uncertainty Abounds
“As employers increasingly use social media searches — Google, LinkedIn, Twitter — to screen potential hires, privacy experts, as well as civil liberties proponents and politicians, are questioning the practice. At the same time, some employers consider a search a necessary double check of information — basic due diligence.”