Today’s Links: September 11, 2012


GRACE-MARIE TURNER: “Why Barack’s Silence on Obamacare?
“Democrats came on strong in celebrating what they also now call ObamaCare during speeches at the beginning of their national convention in Charlotte, but enthusiasm waned as the week went on, with President Obama not even mentioning his signature legislative achievement during his acceptance speech on the final day.”

MOLLY BALL: “How Michelle Rhee Is Taking Over the Democratic Party
“Rhee, the controversial former Washington, D.C., schools chancellor known for her hard-charging style, has worked with Republican governors to push her reform ideas in states across the country. Her ongoing pitched battle with the teachers unions has put her at odds with one of the Democratic Party’s most important traditional constituencies.”

MARK VANHOENACKER: “Do You Have a Photo ID, Young Man?
“The National September 11 Memorial & Museum in New York is a profound, beautiful monument to the lives lost in the 1993 and 2001 terror attacks at the World Trade Center. But the iron curtain of security surrounding the site forms its own monument: to our successful adaptation to the realities of a post-9/11 world, and perhaps to choices that speak less well of us.”


SEARCH – Even Inside Microsoft, Users Rarely “Bing It”
“[F]ew, if any, say they are going to ‘Bing’ anything. Unlike Google, a brand and word synonymous with search, Microsoft’s rival engine has yet to enter our lexicon as a verb, despite CEO Steve Ballmer’s hope that it would. That ‘Bing’ is not a verb reflects the huge challenge Microsoft faces in the space–the service has yet to make significant gains on king Google, which owns two-thirds of the U.S. search market. And now, it appears as if Microsoft has even given up trying to make ‘Bing’ a verb that’s as much a part of our web-surfing habits as it is our vernacular.”

TSA – TSA Denies Stonewalling Nude Body-Scanner Court Order
“The Transportation Security Administration denied Thursday it was stonewalling a federal appeals court’s year-old decision demanding the agency hold public hearings concerning the so-called nude body scanners installed in U.S. airport security checkpoints.

TECH – Youtube Offers New iPhone App to Fill the Void
“YouTube is being reprogrammed for the iPhone and iPad amid the latest fallout from the growing hostility between Google and Apple.”