Washington Post’s Climate Alarmism Reaches the Sports Page


The news and opinion pages of the Washington Post have for years been filled with climate alarmism, but now it is spreading to the sports page. The top story in last Sunday’s sports section had nothing to do with the Washington Capitals, Washington Wizards, Maryland Terrapins, Georgetown Hoyas, or any other local team. Instead, more than two full pages were devoted to the Elfstedentocht, a long-distance ice skating race held in the Netherlands.
According to “Last Days of the Elfstedentocht,” this race across 135 miles of canals in the Northern Province of Friesland is only held in years where the entire stretch is frozen over – which occurred 15 times in the 20th century. The last one was held back in 1997, and the story blames climate change for this longer-than-usual hiatus while ominously warning of few if any future Elfstedentochts should present trends continue. Beyond the race itself, an entire way of life for the skating-loving Frisians may also be changing, according to the story.
The 1997 champion, Brussels sprouts farmer Henk Angenent, is quoted as fearing he may be the last winner ever.
The Post promises that this will be the first in a series of articles highlighting the threat to various sports posed by global warming. Hopefully, the sports pages will still have room to cover March Madness.