Why Won’t Al Gore Debate?, Part 2
CEI has a gift for Al Gore, arriving just in time for the holidays. You may recall that CEI last month rushed to the cause of Lord Christopher Monckton, in his public challenge to Al Gore to debate global warming. Inspired by Saturday Night Live’s famous effort to entice a Beatles reunion for only $3000, CEI settled on this considerably less improbable goal. In CEI’s original YouTube video-message, we offered Mr. Gore a check for $500, plus proceeds from a pledge-a-dollar-to-debate campaign, plus the “street cred” earned by such a fearless debate. Surely, it’s a win-win proposition for Gore.
Alas, in the wake of the burgeoning Climategate email scandal that called into question the work of the “leading scientists” sounding the global warming alarm, Mr. Gore failed to respond to our lucrative debate challenge. So, today, CEI has again sweetened the pot – we are now offering, not just the $500 check plus the extra donations ($200, so far), but also a $25 pre-paid gas card! (Especially in these difficult economic times, who would want to pass up over $700 in extra pocket change – and just in time for the holidays!)
Now that we’ve upped the ante, how much longer can Al Gore resist? What do you think?
» VIEW THE NEW VIDEO, Why Won’t Al Gore Debate?, Part 2