CEI is thrilled to announce that Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, will be our keynote speaker at this years’s Annual CEI Dinner!
When Judge Kozinski was appointed to the Ninth Circuit in 1985, he was the youngest circuit judge in the country. He is widely respected for his commitment to individual liberty and property rights, for his many publications, and for his flair and humor. In a case involving motion pictures, U.S. v. Syufy Enterprises (1990), Judge Kozinski managed to weave over 200 film titles into the text of his opinion, setting movie buffs around the world into a mad scramble to find the most titles. Judge Kozinski is also known for his engaging and entertaining speeches, which makes him a great fit for CEI’s annual dinner!
Thomas Donlan of Barron’s will be our master of ceremonies. Donlan is Editorial Page Editor at the national business and financial weekly magazine and has been writing about these issues for 15 years in his columns. He is a well-known writer on issues such as economics, politics, and investing, and his insight is widely sought by major media outlets.
Please note that there’s been a change in the date of our dinner. Our dinner will be held on Thursday, June 17, 2010, at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
At CEI’s 25th Anniversary Annual Dinner last year, over 500 people heard BB&T Bank Chairman John Allison speak about the financial crisis and explain how shortsighted government policies played a central role in creating and then prolonging the recent economic downturn. And veteran political commentator Tucker Carlson lent his excellent public speaking skills to manage the night as our master of ceremonies. You won’t want to miss the activities at this years dinner.
We hope that you’ll mark your calendar, join us, and sponsor the event. Our dinner has become a key source of financial support for CEI’s efforts to advance liberty and limited government.
Your support is important and greatly appreciated. As a dinner sponsor, you will receive special recognition in the dinner program as well as access to the VIP reception. Most importantly, you will help to continue the work of CEI — the group that Fortune recently said “isn’t backing down.”
We look forward to hearing from you soon, and we will send updates as our plans progress. We hope you’ll join in making our dinner a success! Please feel free to email or call at 202-331-2280 with any questions.