Climate Alarm Skeptics Defend Constitutional Liberties

Newsmax discusses with Sam Kazman, the subpoena CEI recieved from Attorney General Claude Walker as part of an intimidation campaign to silence the debate on climate change. 

Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude Earl Walker, a former EPA attorney, has filed a RICO suit against both ExxonMobil and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a Washington, D.C. think tank.

ExxonMobil and CEI are gearing up for what promises to be a drawn-out legal battle, a particularly cost-burdensome one for CEI. Responding to a demand for a decade of the organization’s materials and work on climate change policy, CEI’s attorneys called the subpoena “an effort to punish [CEI] for its public policy views, chill its associations, and silence its advocacy.”

Adding that “Your demand on CEI is offensive, it is un-American, it is unlawful, and it will not stand,” the letter to Walker warned, “You can either withdraw it or expect to fight, because CEI strongly believes that this campaign to intimidate those who dissent from the official orthodoxy on climate change must be stopped.”

CEI’s General Counsel Sam Kazman has gone on record stating, “The subpoena is as illegal as it is groundless. It is a political ploy aimed at advancing a policy agenda by shutting down debate.

Read the full article at Newsmax.