Conservatives Urge Trump To Keep His Promise, Ditch The Paris Climate Agreement
The Daily Caller reports on a coalition letter led by CEI urging President Trump to withdraw from the Paris Climate Treaty.
Dozens of conservative and free market groups sent a letter Monday to President Donald Trump, urging him to keep his campaign promise to withdraw the U.S. from an international agreement to fight global warming signed by the Obama administration.
Representatives from 40 right-leaning groups told Trump a withdrawal from the Paris climate change agreement “is a key part of your plan to protect U.S. energy producers and manufacturers from regulatory warfare not just for the next four years but also for decades to come.
“One argument that they have already put forward is that these rules cannot be withdrawn because they are part of our international commitment under the Paris Climate Treaty,” reads the letter. “Failing to withdraw from Paris thus exposes key parts of your deregulatory energy agenda to unnecessary legal risk.
“The AGs revealed in a recruiting letter that they also plan other lawsuits ‘ensuring that the promises made in Paris become reality,’” reads the letter, which was spearheaded by the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) and the American Energy Alliance (AEA).
AEA supported Trump’s candidacy during the election, and Tom Pyle, the group’s president, headed Trump’s Energy Department transition team. CEI’s Myron Ebell headed Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) transition team.
Read the full article at The Daily Caller.