EPA Will Take 100 Years To Fulfill Conservative Group’s FOIA Request

Senior Fellow Christopher Horner discusses CEI's latest lawsuit against the EPA's FOIA stonewall with the Daily Caller:

“We have shown this administration using whatever tactics it can – even violating the law – to hide what is going on in our federal agencies,” said CEI senior fellow and attorney Chris Horner in a statement, “whether it’s Hillary Clinton’s personal email account, Lisa Jackson working with lobbyists on her own private account, utilizing text messages then destroying them, or this slow-rolling production of Richard Windsor emails for a century.”

CEI also says that EPA refuses to process other FOIA requests made by the group until its “Richard Windsor” request is completed. That is, unless CEI agrees to put the “Windsor” records request on hold.

“What are they trying to hide? If previously uncovered Windsor emails are any indication, it ranges from the embarrassing to the unlawful,” Horner said. “Hillary Clinton and EPA’s Richard Windsor both seem to be on the administration’s transparency dodgeball team, dodging the public’s requests to know what they’re up to.”