Fears Grow that ‘Cancel’ is Back on the Table
E&E News discusses exiting the Paris Climate Treaty with Myron Ebell.
Those who have been urging Trump to make good on his campaign promise to “cancel” the Paris Agreement are in high spirits.
Myron Ebell, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute who has long advocated a withdrawal, said President Trump’s speech in Pennsylvania over the weekend in which he promised an imminent “big decision” was evidence that the tide had turned.
He credited the White House counsel’s office with more objective judgement on Paris than the State Department legal team.
“Since the State career lawyers were involved in negotiating Paris, I don’t think their opinions can be taken as objective legal advice, and so I think Mr. McGahn is right to question their opinions and also that his contrary advice is correct,” he said.
Read the full article at E&E News.