Forecast sees milder-than-average hurricane season

The Washington Times discusses NOAA's prediction for a mild huriccane season with Myron Ebell: 

Myron Ebell, director of the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Center for Energy and Environment, cautioned both sides against putting too much faith in the NOAA forecast.

“Predictions by NOAA’s Hurricane Center have proved to be wrong more often than not over the past several years, as have many others’ predictions,” Mr. Ebell said in an email.

No matter what happens, however, the result is likely to fuel the debate over global warming and extreme weather.

“If, despite NOAA’s prediction of a below-average Atlantic hurricane season, a major storm hits the U. S. and does a lot of damage, you can be sure that many alarmists will be quick to credit it to global warming — which by the way has been non-existent for the past 18 years,” Mr. Ebell said.

“NOAA is also predicting above-average hurricane activity in the Pacific,” he added. “That prediction may turn out to be wrong, too.”