Groups clash over GOP tool to roll back regulations

The Hill reports on a letter CEI signed, that urges Congress to bring regulatory reform by using the Congressional Review Act. 

Conservative groups are pushing lawmakers to seize the opportunity to roll back Obama-era rules with the rarely used Congressional Review Act, while pro-regulatory groups are asking members to reject any resolutions to repeal critical public health and safety protections.

The conservative political advocacy group Americans for Prosperity led a coalition of 55 groups in writing an open letter to Congress Tuesday.

They asked lawmakers to partner with the White House and use the CRA as a tool to bring “meaningful regulatory relief to millions of Americans.”
“Congress has an important duty to work with the Trump administration in rolling back the regulatory avalanche of the last eight years,” said the letter from groups such as FreedomWorks, Club for Growth and the Competitive Enterprise Institute. “

“Processing resolutions of disapproval under the CRA is an essential tool for this because overturning regulations via the CRA creates a permanent bar against regulators imposing substantially similar rules in the future without seeking express authorization from Congress.”

Read the full article at The Hill.