How Trump’s FCC Head Plans To Attack Net Neutrality
Fortune discusses with Ryan Radia the Federal Communication Commision’s Chairman Ajit Pai’s expected announcement to eliminate net neutrality rules.
Already, the various sides are lining up to commence the battle yet again.
“The rigid rules that now govern Internet providers forbid an array of business models that could benefit consumers,” Ryan Radia, a research fellow at the pro-business Competitive Enterprise Institute, said in a statement. “Freezing today’s Internet in place, with all its shortcomings, will preclude the experimentation and bargaining among companies that causes markets to progress.”
One of the industry’s complaints came after Obama’s FCC tried to stop Verizon and AT&T from letting their wireless customers watch streaming video services without counting against monthly data caps. Pai put an end to the probes into so-called zero-rating of streaming services owned by the carriers themselves. Imposing common carrier regulation has also deterred companies from investing more to improve their Internet networks, Radia says.
Read the full article at Fortune.