National Energy Dominance Council Paves Way for Unleashing American Energy

The White House cited CEI’s expert on oil imports.

Competitive Enterprise Institute Senior Fellow Marlo Lewis: “This is welcome news. Unlike the previous administration, which increased US reliance on oil imports from OPEC and critical minerals from China by rigging domestic markets against reliable energy from fossil fuels, President Trump seeks to emancipate all sources of reliable American energy to compete in domestic and overseas markets. The president also seeks to accelerate the permitting of new energy infrastructure, including the power plants needed to support hundreds of new data centers and US leadership in artificial intelligence. President Trump is correct that clearing away impediments to America’s global leadership in energy production and exports will lower energy prices, enhance US economic security, create millions of new well-paying jobs, and strengthen US competitiveness in advanced technologies such as AI.”

Growth Energy“#ICYMI last week @POTUS established the National Energy Dominance Council, noting that #biofuels ‘reduce our dependency on foreign imports, and grow our economy’ – #ethanol producers are ready to deliver for American consumers and the president’s priorities!”

Read more at The White House