Report: Reducing Regulatory Agencies’ Authority Could Boost Economy, Increase Job Creation
The Washington Free Beacon covers CEI’s latest publication Shrinking Government Bureaucracy.
Reducing some of government’s regulatory agencies’ authority could boost economic growth and increase job creation, according to the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s report Shrinking Government Bureaucracy.
Regulations cost the economy $2 trillion each year, and the institute has detailed steps for the Trump administration and Congress to follow to rein in government overreach and reduce regulatory burdens for businesses and entrepreneurs.
“Some of these reforms can be achieved via executive action, while others will require Congress to take back authority from federal departments and agencies,” the report states. “For too long, Congress has allowed federal agencies and regulators to gather too much power, resulting in a bloated, unaccountable bureaucracy that imposes costs and hinders innovation throughout the U.S. economy.”
Read the full article at the Washington Free Beacon.