Spectacle with agenda: March for Science advises demonstrators to ‘dress as your favorite scientist’
The Washington Times highlights Sam Kazman’s comments and jokes on the Science March in Washington, D.C.
Meanwhile, Sam Kazman, general counsel for the Competitive Enterprise Institute, recalls that David Gelernter, a Yale University computer science professor, was dubious about the upcoming march.
“It’s like this is some sort of ‘Looney Tunes’ thing. I must be trapped in an alternate reality. They couldn’t possibly be serious,” Mr. Gelernter told The Scientist, an academic journal.
“The organizers obviously are serious. Too serious, in our view. Using street protests to handle scientific controversies like climate change is only a few steps above using animal sacrifice,” says Mr. Kazman, who is collecting and publishing “cheesy Science March jokes” at his organization’s website, found at CEI.org.
Read the full article at The Washington Times.