Transparency Advocates Condemn Clinton’s Secretive Private Email Account
The Washington Examiner talks to CEI's Christopher Horner about the current administration's string of email scandals:
Clinton is also not unique among President Obama's appointees in violating those regulations, according to Christopher Horner of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. He pointed to revelations in 2011 that Lisa Jackson, then-administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, had used both a private email account and a fake government account under the name of "Richard Windsor" to conduct official government business.
As the Washington Examiner reported in 2013, "Richard Windsor" even won agency awards for completing ethics training courses in 2010, 2011 and 2012.
That discovery, Horner said, "set off a chain of revelations, including the fact that several EPA regional administrators and current assistant administrator for air and radiation Janet McCabe, used private email accounts for work-related correspondence.":
Horner also pointed toformer Department of Energy's Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Cathy Zoi's use of a private email account from her prior work with the Alliance for Climate Protection, an environmental activist group associated with former Vice President Al Gore.