Trump about to unleash his fury on the regulatory state

Washington Examiner highlights Wayne Crews’s work to track the number and cost of federal regulations. 

No one even has a reliable count of how many federal agencies there are. Not even the federal government. According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Unified Agenda counts 60 agencies, while the Federal Register Index lists 257, and 316 are found in the U.S. Government Manual.

The rules dreamed up by this vague number of agencies amounted to 3,853 regulations and 97,110 pages added to the Federal Register in 2016, according to CEI. That’s the most ever in one year.

It hasn’t helped that Congress has largely enabled regulatory agencies to run amok, leaving state and local governments, business groups, and individuals to fend for themselves. The luckiest victims can fight in court. The rest have spent 583 million hours over the past eight years complying with agency rules at a cost of $1.89 trillion every year, about $15,000 per household.

Read the full article at Washington Examiner