Unholy Alliance Between the Left and Big Pharma Threatens More Big Government Intervention in Health Care

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CEI’s Joel Zinberg is cited in Breitbart on the big government intervention in healthcare:

Economic experts recognize that the very foundation of a free market system – which the Left wants to slowly dismantle – is robust competition. As Joel Zinberg from the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) explains, PBMs “enhance competition through group purchasing and negotiated discounts,” ensuring that patients and taxpayers pay less for prescription drugs:

PBMs are a pro-competitive creation of the market for prescription drugs that improve consumer welfare. They lower costs for drug insurance plan sponsors and their patient-customers through group purchasing and negotiations on a variety of contract terms leading to lower drug prices, better drug utilization, and improved health. The fact that PBMs have flourished in a free market confirms that they add value for participants in the prescription drug distribution system.

Read the full article on Breitbart.