White House: Executive Order Could Cut Regulations to Boost Competition

TheBlaze discusses Wayne Crews's recent report which discusses the number of regulations created in both Obama and Bush's administrations. 

The Obama administration has had more high-impact economic regulation than the Bush administration, according to a report this week by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a free market think tank, which found:

[T]he annual average for completed economically significant rules for Obama’s seven years so far is 67; George W. Bush’s average over his eight years was 49. This even takes into account the fact that only one edition of the Unified Agenda appeared in 2012. Overall, Obama’s total number of economically significant rules completed over seven years is already 468 (as of year-end 2015). Bush’s full-term total: 390.

However, free market competition is not something that can be imposed by the federal government, said Clyde Wayne Crews, CEI’s vice president for policy and author of the think tank’s study comparing regulations under Bush and Obama.

“The implication is that government action compels more competition in the private sector, but when government action only restrains and interference reduces competition,” Crews told TheBlaze, “an executive order to compel competition will attract cronyism.”

Crews explained that customer decisions and market pressures drive competition, innovation and ultimately lower consumer prices.

Read the full article at TheBlaze