CEI Joins Coalition Urging Revocation of California’s Waiver from the Clean Air Act
Dear Administrator Pruitt:
Our organizations write today to call for the revocation of California’s waiver from the Clean Air Act, which allows the state to decouple from Federal policy and impose strict emission standards on automobiles. California’s stated goal is to remove all gasoline-powered vehicles from the roads and replace them with their electric counterparts, and the state uses the Clean Air Act waiver to achieve this goal.
The EPA has a responsibility to American citizens, but not one to promote solutions that require expensive taxpayer-funded infrastructure spending and subsidies, particularly at questionable environmental gains. With California battling a borderline failing Infrastructure Report Card and 50% of its roads in poor condition, instead of spending $2.5 billion on charging stations, that taxpayer spending could be better used elsewhere.
Electric vehicles cost between 40% and 60% more than their conventional counterparts, and their purchases are supported by taxpayer subsidies that provide the most help to those buying the most expensive electric vehicles. Essentially, the wealthier you are, the bigger the subsidy. In fact, one study found that six dollars out of every $10 of electric vehicle subsidies went to households earning over $200,000 per year, while one dollar out of every $10 went to households earning less than $75,000 per year. In California, 83% of rebates go to recipients with incomes over $100,000. It’s welfare for the rich.
For all of the cost to taxpayers and consumers, studies have shown these vehicles often produce higher levels of toxicity and emissions, compared to gas-fueled vehicles.
Mr. Pruitt, it is time for the EPA to act. Our coalition calls for the repeal of the Clean Air Act waiver in California, while encouraging market solutions over wasteful taxpayer funding. The American people deserve better, and, if you do not act fast, come April 1, people across the state of California will be facing unrealistic and costly mandates which threaten their basic right to choose.
Steve Pociask, President
American Consumer Institute
Seton Motley, President
Less Government
David Williams, President
Taxpayers Protection Alliance
Matthew Kandrach, President
Consumer Action for a Strong Economy
Phil Kerpen, President
American Commitment
Wayne T. Brough, Chief Economist, VP of Research
Marlo Lewis, Ph.D., Senior Fellow in Energy and Environmental Policy
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Grover Norquist, President
Americans for Tax Reform
James L. Martin, Founder & Chairman
60 Plus Association
George Landrith, President
Frontiers of Freedom
Andrew F. Quinlan, President
Center for Freedom and Prosperity