Every year, government agents take and permanently keep billions of dollars of Americans’ property through civil forfeiture. Deeply embedded in the nation’s economic and political system, civil forfeiture creates significant benefits for interest groups within government — such as law enforcement officials and legislators who set government budgets — while exacting a large toll on the rest of us. This pervasiveness raises serious questions about fairness and justice.

Join CEI for a private luncheon with Dan Greenberg, General Counsel of the Competitive Enterprise Institute and author of Five Myths of Civil Forfeitureand They’re Taking My Stuff!. He will explain the problems of civil forfeiture and what CEI is doing to address them.  

When: 12:30 – 2:00 pm ​​​​​​Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Where: Union League Club
This is a private event. Questions? Email [email protected].

Dan Greenberg is the General Counsel at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. His research focuses on civil asset seizure and regulatory reform. From 2017 to 2021, he was a senior policy advisor at the Department of Labor, where he served as the expert on occupational licensing reform. Prior to that he was an Arkansas state legislator.

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