The Cooler Heads Calition

invites you to
A Congressional Staff and Media Briefing
(a widely-atteneded event)

Climate of Corruption
Politics and Power behind
the Global Warming Hoax


Professor Larry Bell
Author of Climate of Corruption

Friday, April 8
12 Noon–1:15 PM
1334, Longworth House Office Building
Lunch Provided

Please RSVP to Brian McGraw
[email protected] or (202) 331-2266

In this Cooler Heads Coalition briefing, Larry Bell will highlight important lessons from his new book, Climate of Corruption: Politics and Power behind the Global Warming Hoax. Attendees will receive copies of the book.
Some Comments about Larry Bell’s book:

“Larry Bell has cut through the heavily funded bad science of global warming advocates, the outrageous claims of politicians and scare threats from extreme environmentalists to explain the truth about Earth’s climate and the man-made and natural forces that change it … [H]e has done an amazing job of sorting it out and putting it in proper perspective.”
—John Coleman, meteorologist and founder of The Weather Channel

“Larry Bell connects the dots between indisputable scientific frauds, carbon regulation and marketing scams, and bogus green energy charades. He makes a convincing case that alarmist climate crisis rhetoric is far more political than scientific.”
—Michael J. Economides, editor-in-chief, Energy Tribune & Professor, University of Houston

“As natural disasters and momentous geopolitical turmoil continue to erupt … Climate of Corruption is a book that will buttress intelligent decisions about where U.S. dollars and traditional American ingenuity and compassion will do the most good to alleviate the real environmental and man-made calamities that affect the world community.”
—Anthony J. Sadar, meteorologist, book review in the Washington Times, March 29, 2011

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