Find out what you need to know about the U.S. Supreme Court case challenging the IRS' illegal re-write of Obamacare.
On Friday evening, February 27, please join us for a panel discussion hosted by the Competitive Enterprise Institute on what is at stake in the Obamacare subsidies case, King v. Burwell.
On March 4, the nine Supreme Court justices will hear our case arguing the IRS is breaking the law by attempting to rewrite Obamacare. The left argues there was a “glitch” or “typo” in the law. But the fact is, the Democratic Congress made a political gamble to bribe states with taxpayer-funded subsidies in exchange for setting up state-based insurance exchanges. And yet, two-thirds of the states still refused.
Much is at stake. Obamacare is forcing millions of Americans to either buy healthcare coverage they don’t want or pay tax penalties. Others have lost their jobs, been cut back to part-time work, or lost the health plans and doctors they wanted to keep. Even worse, if the IRS wins, federal agencies will get a free pass to ignore laws passed by Congress.
Panel discussion & cocktail hour
Friday, February 27
5:00PM – 7:00PM
Eastern Shore Room, Gaylord National Hotel
RSVP: [email protected]
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