America’s Future Foundation will hold its monthly roundtable "Energy Policy, What Should Our
Carbon Footprint Be?" on April 15th. All across the United States
technology is lowering the carbon footprint of the energy consuming
products we use every day, such as cars, phones, and computers. Despite
the savings, the Department of Energy predicts that fossil fuels will
remain a primary source of energy consumption well into the future.
Certain critics complain that fossil fuel consumption is a leading
cause of climate change, and each person has a duty to limit their
carbon footprint for the environment. Should we take an active role in
limiting our personal carbon footprint? Will technological improvements
eventually reduce our carbon footrprint for us? As the rest of the
developing world consumes more oil, gas, and coal, does the U.S. have
any moral obligation to risk falling behind economically in order to
have a smaller carbon footprint?
Joining us for this discussion will be William Yateman, Energy
Policy analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute; Andy Weismann,
an energy expert for FTI Economic Consulting with over 30 years
experience in the energy industry; Ben Lieberman, senior plicy analyst
at the Heritage Foundation; and Dr. Foster Wade, Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Land and Minerals Management at the Department of
The event will take place at the Fund for American Studies, 1706 New
Hampshire Avenue, NW, near Dupont Circle. Drinks at 6:30; Roundtable
begins at 7:00. Roundtables are free for members, $5 for non-members.
So join today! Please RSVP to Cindy Cerquitella at
[email protected].
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