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Istituto Bruno Leoni
In cooperation with<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” />
With the Patronage of
Ministero dell’Ambiente
e della Tutela del Territorio
Is pleased to invite you to the conference
‘From greenhouse effect to climate control
Scientific, economic, and political aspects of global warming’
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Saturday November 29th, 2003
10.00 a.m.
Palazzo delle Stelline – Sala E
Corso Magenta 61
Milan, Italy
Kyoto Protocol requires a substantial reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by countries listed inthe “Annex I” to the Protocol. It will be enforced on the 91st day after at least 55 countries (among those who signed UN FCCC) have ratified it, provided that such countries account for at least 55 percent of global carbon emissions from the baseline year (1990). While the European Union is a strong supporter of the Kyoto Protocol, United States President George Bush made it clear that he isn’t willing to ratify the Protocol. At the World Climate Change Conference in Moscow(September 29th-October 3rd, 2003), Russia announced it will not ratify the Protocol.
The Istituto Bruno Leoni (IBL) is a free market organization based in Turin (Italy). Contact:
Istituto Bruno Leoni – Via della Consolata 12 – Torino