Cronyism can take many forms. Regulatory barriers such as unnecessary rules and mandates can prevent entrepreneurship and block new competitors from entering a market. Subsidies use the government’s power to transfer wealth to certain preferred businesses, giving them an unjust advantage. And tax policy can be twisted to create perverse incentives through special credits and “enterprise funds” that reduce overall competitiveness and misalign resources.

While often decrying pro-union and anti-business sentiments on the left, some on the right have an impulse to be pro-business, lured by shortsighted policies at the expense of broader free-market principles and reforms. But is being pro-business the same as supporting free markets? How can those who believe in the importance of markets avoid supporting policies that ultimately amount to corporate welfare or other forms of cronyism?

Please join our panel of experts for a discussion about cronyism, hosted by the Charles Koch Institute, which will also be broadcast on RealClear Radio Hour with Bill Frezza.

WHAT: Free the Market: Ending the Corporate Welfare Racket


Bill Frezzahost of “RealClear Radio Hour” and fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute

Tim Carneysenior political columnist at the Washington Examiner and visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute
Alison Frasermanaging director of research and policy at the Charles Koch Institute
Matthew Mitchelldirector of the Project for the Study of American Capitalism and senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Peter Schweizerpresident of the Government Accountability Institute

WHEN: Thursday, March 3, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. EST


Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
Chesapeake 1-2
Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center
National Harbor, MD 20745 

Questions? Email Amanda France at [email protected].

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