online event
In partnership with the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance and Australian Libertarian Society and over a dozen international liberty groups, the Competitive Enterprise Institute is participating in the 8th annual Friedman Conference. CEI experts Michelle Minton, Iain Murray, and Ryan Young are each presenting on panels during the 24-hour digital liberty marathon:
Friday 7/10 7:00 pm EDT
Winning the War Against Vaping Prohibition
Featuring Michelle Minton, Gregory Conolly, Paul Blair, Guy Bentley
Saturday 7/11 2:00 pm EDT
How Should Libertarians Respond to the National Conservative Movement?
Featuring Iain Murray, Sam Gregg, Dan McCarthy
Saturday 7/11 3:00 pm EDT
Regulatory Framework Post COVID
Featuring Ryan Young, John Kartch, Patrick McLaughlin, Adam Thierer