Human Achievement Hour is the Competitive Enterprises Institute’s annual celebration of innovation and progress. During this hour, people around the world pay tribute to human ingenuity and advancements in every field from healthcare and energy to communications and transportation.

These achievements by entrepreneurs and innovators allow us to live richer and fuller lives. They also help us solve problems and protect ourselves and our families in unpredictable situations, like emergencies and disasters.

 Join CEI in Celebrating Human Achievement Hour

Saturday, March 24, 2018
8:30 – 9:30 PM

(all time zones)

HOW TO CELEBRATE: Enjoy your favorite innovation during Human Achievement Hour and share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

Use the hashtag #HAH2018 to share what innovations make your like safer, healthier, and happier. Photos encouraged!

What will you be doing during #HAH2018:  

  • Checking social media from your smartphone?
  • Watching your favorite TV show or movie thanks to satellite technology?
  • Participating in the craft brewing revolution with a cold drink?
  • Face-timing or Skyping with far-off friends and family?
  • Traveling home from a night out with a rideshare driver?
  • Relaxing at home with plenty of food, heat, and hot water for your family?

However you spend the hour, please remember that human ingenuity, affordable energy, and the freedom to create and innovate are making life better for billions of people around the world every day—from life expectancy to literacy rates. Throwing up barriers and restrictions that slow down these improvements have real costs, especially for the poor and most vulnerable among us.

History of Human Achievement Hour:

Originally launched as an alternative to “Earth Hour,” an activist campaign that calls on people to show their concern about climate change by turning off their lights for an hour, Human Achievement Hour challenges people to celebrate human ingenuity and our ability to solve problems creatively. Technology, affordable energy, and the competitive economies that brought electricity to the developed world are precisely what will allow us to continue to prosper as we address the global challenges ahead. Learn more here.

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