The live webcast will be available below.
Thursday April 11th, 12-2 pm
Competitive Enterprise Institute
1899 L St, NW, 12th floor
Washington, D.C.
When the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was signed into law in 2010, it created a permanent multi-agency panel called the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC). Proponents of the FSOC said it was needed to help rein in large banks perceived as too-big-to-fail and reduce volatility in financial markets. Yet a broad array of critics now say the FSOC has actually entrenched big banks and embedded them as too-big-to-fail through its selective designation of “systemically important financial institutions.” The FSOC is also pushing through intrusive regulations for money-market mutual funds that the Securities and Exchange Commission had considered and rejected precisely because the rules may have added more volatility than they curbed. Underlying these controversies is the FSOC’s lack of accountability to both Congress and the President through a structure that a lawsuit — brought by the Competitive Enterprise Institute and other parties — challenges as unconstitutional.
Paul Atkins
Former Commissioner, Securities and Exchange Commission;
Managing Director, Patomak Partners LLC
Hans Bader
Senior Attorney and Counsel for Special Projects,
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Hester Peirce
Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center,
co-editor, Dodd-Frank: What It Does and Why It’s Flawed
Moderated By:
John Berlau
Senior Fellow for Finance and Access to Capital,
Competitive Enterprise Institute