From Henry VIII, the archetype of the modern tyrant, to our own time, those who seek absolute power have always sought to prevent independent centers of power from developing. A healthy society has competing power centers. Through the years, those competing centers of power have included institutions ranging from the church to the press to corporations—and, in every case, when those institutions have been attacked by those who fear and resent their power and independence, the attack has been on the same target: their property rights. Property rights are sometimes treated as a prosaic concern for economics undergraduates and law students, but there is no free speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion—no real civil rights—without the foundation of property rights.
Join us for a private lunch discussion of why civil rights depend on property rights with CEI Writer in Residence Kevin D. Williamson, in conversation with Kent Lassman.
12:30 – 2:00 pm Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Union League Club, 38 E 37th Street, NY, NY 10016
This is a private event. Please email [email protected] with questions.
Kevin D. Williamson is Writer in Residence at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. He is a renowned author and the National Correspondent at The Dispatch. Previously, he headed a project examining the modern environmental movement, its culture, and advocacy as a visiting investigative writer at CEI. Williamson’s most recent books include Big White Ghetto: Dead Broke, Stone-Cold Stupid, and High on Rage in the Dank Wooly Wilds of the Real America and The Smallest Minority: Independent Thinking in the Age of Mob Politics. Prior to writing for The Dispatch, he was the long time Roving Correspondent for National Review. He began his career in journalism at the Bombay, India-based Indian Express Newspaper Group and worked in the newspaper business in Texas, Pennsylvania, and Colorado.
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