Hear top experts discuss current economic policies and their impact on taxes, health care, Texas’ economic growth and the nation’s future.
Speakers Include:
Thomas Sowell, Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution at Stanford University
Walter Williams, Distinguished Professor of Economics, George Mason University
W. Michael Cox, Director, O’Neil Center for Global Markets & Freedom
John A. Allison, Retired Chairman & CEO, BB&T
Distinguished Professor, Wake Forest University
William J. O’Neil, Publisher, Investor’s Business Daily
David Henderson, Research Fellow, Hoover Institution at Stanford University
Stephen Moore, Senior Economics Writer, The Wall Street Journal
Fred L. Smith, President and Founder, Competitive Enterprise Institute
October 8, 2010
8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., lunch included
Crum Auditorium, Collins Center, SMU Cox School of Business
$145 per person $800 for a table of 8
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