We know how the liberals feel about class actions, but is there a case for conservatives embracing them? As we learned during the election, it’s awfully tough to convince people that they’re wrong. But what about suggesting that conservatives’ existing beliefs embrace a pro-class-action viewpoint? After all, class actions offer concepts that conservatives tend to embrace, like market solutions, private-sector enforcement, and judicial efficiency . . . or do they? Our examination of whether conservatives can make a case for class actions will make the presidential debates look like in walk in President’s Park.



Wednesday, October 26


Kimpton Hotel Palomar DC
2121 P St NW Washington, DC 20037-1010



Fred Burnside
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, Seattle, WA


The Honorable Jeffrey Sutton
United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, Cincinnati, OH

Professor Brian Fitzpatrick
Vanderbilt University Law School, Nashville, TN

Ted Frank
Competitive Enterprise Institute & Center for Class Action Fairness, Washington D.C.

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