Volkswagen was recently alleged to have used software in its diesel vehicles to deceive emissions tests. In response, various plaintiffs have filed litigation concerning this issue, raising the question of how best to adjudicate the financial claims arising from this matter.

This briefing will ask: where large numbers of people are affected by the same conduct, is the traditional class action litigation system the most efficient and equitable way to process claims? Additionally, the briefing will discuss whether changes should be made to that system, or, especially where liability is not disputed, if an entirely different claims processing regime is more appropriate. RSVP here.

Kenneth R. Feinberg
Principal, Law Offices of Kenneth R. Feinberg

Ted Frank
Senior Attorney and Director, Center for Class Action Fairness, Competitive Enterprise Institute

Matthew Wessler
Principal, Gupta Wessler PLLC

Moderator: Dennis M. Black
Acting Director, Education, Law & Economics Center

Rayburn House Office Building

Friday, March 11, 12 p.m.


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