Authored by Gage Degerness
Let Amtrak Pay Its Own Way
- By: Gage Degerness
Randal O’Toole of the Cato Institute has a great blog post outlining the various ills besetting America’s government-subsidized passenger rail carrier Amtrak. The gist of O’Toole’s…
New Study Makes the Case for Ending the Export-Import Bank
- By: Gage Degerness
The Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank is making quite the ruckus in Washington these days. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has dubbed the state-run bank…
No Bailouts for Taxi Cab Moguls
- By: Gage Degerness
A recent New York Times article highlights the plight of one plucky New York taxi mogul caught between flawed governmental policy and the process…